Sunday, August 30, 2009

First Fringed Gentian of the season

The very first. In a bog at Indian Springs. The phenology sites are
documenting the fall migration and the fall leaves are coloring up,
but some plants are still in their "springtime."


Brigitte said...

Beautiful picture.
Thank you Mary.

It is quite interesting to see plants change their habits. Guess we all find a way to express global warming... maybe this flower is doing the same.
In our area (Europe) I could see the change clearly because now there grow trees which wouldn't have survived before.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Fringed gentian normally does flower late. I was commenting, I guess I didn't write enough to make myself clear, on how some plants are still havign their person springs while others are preparing for winter.

But we have the same thing with our trees here! Southern species are moving north and surviving. And southern plants, too!